Saturday, April 30, 2016

4H Clifton

We had a lovely visit today from the Clifton 4H group. We had leaders and parents come with 4H kids and kids not even old enough to be in 4H. Ages probably from less than 2 to around 14. It was nice to be able to share our work with them and answer their questions but it was also fascinating to find out about the projects that they are working on. One young man turns bowls and has several in a competition right now. I saw a picture and I am in awe of his talent, whatever the age. That bowl was beautiful!  Another young man is working on a 3D cutting board, which he promised to bring over for us to see. We are looking forward to that. One young lady told me she wasn't interested in woodworking but I found out that she is very involved in the animal side of 4H and didn't mind throwing around bales of hay. That's pretty awesome in my books too. We all take on different hobbies- it's what keeps everything interesting.

Before they left (amid promises to come back and visit) they presented us with 2 beautiful presents handmade by 2 of the leaders. David and Beau, I want to thank each of you and the whole group for the pieces of usable art. One gift is a knife holder for your wall, it is made of end grain black locust and it is truly lovely. It will have a place of honour on my wall. The other gift is a set of 2 hand turned pens that are almost to gorgeous to use. These, too, will be treasured.

Thank you for coming to visit. We hope you come back to see us again.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Cotton, oakum, seal it!

Well, it's been a busy month for sure. We started off at the beginning if the month rolling cotton in the seams of the vessel and using the irons and mallet to pound them in solid. If you saw the video on Schooner Lena Blanche facebook page ,you will see what I'm talking about. That was the first couple of weeks and 16 lbs of cotton later, she was all cotton caulked (corked, some call it. I had an older shipwright ,I believe he was in his late 80s or early 90s , correct my pronunciation. He had spent a lifetime building and caulking  (corking) boats- who am I to argue.)

Next we started on the oakum. A totally different kettle of fish,  as it were. Thankfully,  we have quite a bit of it pre-rolled. Each strand of oakum has to be bunched up and pounded into the seam until it fills the seam and then it's pounded to get all the little bits in. It's time consuming and your back hurts a little but , surprisingly,  it's very satisfying and when it's done you can look at it and take pride in a job well done.  AND, when the boat doesn't leak- you'll know you did a good job.  Haha.
As we caulk we are also sealing the seams with a marine sealant. This gives a finished look and keeps the water out.
Warren pounding in oakum

Two strands of oakum for a wider seam

Marine sealant after the oakum has been put in the seams. 

We'll keep at the caulking for the next few weeks until the vessel is all finished. It's  coming along great.