We finally got all of the rail placed and now we are sanding, routering and drilling to make way for stainless rod. Her forward and after decks are all finished and we should be able to get on with new business soon. Ahhhh
So.... pictures
Warren and our son, Sheamus, hamming it up while visiting the Bluenose display at the tall ships festival in Halifax. Hot and so many people.We're looking forward to maybe joining the ships the next time they gather.
Start of the inside of the stern rail.
Warren and his brothers and sisters on the front porch of the family home. Talent abounds with this group. Both brothers have built small boats as well and his sisters are masters at needle work along with many other talents.
Part of the inside rail laminated
The beginning od some of her scroll work on the bow
Sanding the finished stern
Me and Warren's sister, Linda, goofing around at the tea party given for the community during their Seal Harbour Days celebration. We have to take days every now and then to remember that family is what it's all about.
Part of the stern rail in the press after it's been steamed.
Doing a little planing on part of the oak rail.
Finished stern cuddy deck
A little look from the port side.
We'll keep on keeping on and thanks to everyone who follows our progress. If you're ever passing through give us a shout.
Fair winds and Smooth sailing.