Wednesday, March 28, 2012


We have tried to mention people , as we go along, who have helped or encouraged this undertaking and we have some of their names in the sponsor area of the blog. We thought we would take one post (at least ) and mention some folks and what they have done. Forgive us if we temporarily forget a name or two- it will come to us later with the apology for being old and absent minded.

First of all, Christiann Luddington, who is a great encourager and is dying to come and "chink" the vessel when it is planked ( that would be caulking the boat), stripped some poor sheep and an alpaca of their wool to knit 2 of the most beautiful sweaters that we have ever seen (Grandmothers not withstanding). Whereas I have worn mine because I can't stand to see something that gorgeous sit on the shelf, Warren is much more patient and is saving his for the Christening Day of the Lena Blanche.

Bruce Hill trucked all of the logs from North Brookfield.

Jeff Sibley and Reg Holman volunteered several days to help plane planking, which was no easy task, among other things.

Nello Romagnoli, who was our emcee for the keel laying party and is a wonderful friend, picked up the transmission, shafts, and struts in Ontario and drove them down to N.S. last summer.

Alden McNutt is a neighbour and friend who drops by often to lend a hand where he can (peeling logs, helping to set frames, etc) and never seems to tire of the work that we're doing.

Page Baird another neighbour and friend who has helped with sawing and finding tooling used in days gone by. He donated a mallet and chisel handles that we use often.

Don Groves helped with the mill and donated 2 large beams that will be used to build the trailler for transporting the vessel.

Ron Mosher cut all of the oak and pine logs for the vessel.

Burton MacPhee donated a lignum vitae mallet which we use for rabbetting.

Barry Hunt donated the ash logs from which the rope blocks were made.

John Little is a renouned blacksmith who presented us with an Asian compass during our keel laying party and reminded me that it points South and not North it being an Asian compass.

Emanuel Jannasch teaches architecture at Dalhousie. He has been an avid suppporter of this project. He gave a 20" table saw and a 32" bandsaw to us for the shop which we have used and appreciated greatly.

Angus and Arthur Hill traded a wood splitter for the floor and rafters for the building. It is also time well spent when they come to visit and tell stories.

Eammon Doorley is the resident boat builder at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. His knowledge of boat building has been a great resource and he also contributed a piece of the HMS Victory to incorporate in the woodwork of the Lena Blanche.

Alton Toole donated enough spruce logs to saw all of the long harpens for the vessel. We spent a day on his land cutting logs, it was a great day.

Last but certainly not least, our neighbour and friend Lawrence Baird. The only man we know who can provide a flat belt for a 100 year old planer at the drop of a hat and saved the whole day of planing when our belt broke.

Often what I have written about these people is just the tip of the iceberg. There has been great support and little (and big) things that they have done that can't all be written. They know who they are and what they've done. Much thanks to them.

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