Lots of pics today. We have started to put in the deck beams and the vessel is starting to take shape. It's great to be able to see the usable space in the below deck and know that you're standing in "the galley" or the "Captain's cabin". When you look at the hull as just the hull it's hard to envision how it will be divided into different areas but put on a few deck beams and it gives you a different perspective.
Some of the beams are double beams. This is one side of a double beam. It is the start of the bulkhead for one of the cabins above the deck. The bulkhead is integrated into the main structure of the vessel instead of being bolted on afterwards."THE WALL" A lot of old tools and new ones. Our guest book is off to the right. We try to remember to have our visitors sign our book but sometimes we're so wrapped up in the visit that we forget. Oops. Let us know on the blog if you've forgotten to sign in and we'll add you. The arched beam on the work bench is the sister to the bulkhead beam in front of it. Just about ready to be laminated together and installed.
A little brain storm session with our friend Corey.
The deck beams are cut from douglas fir planks 3" x 12" x 36' . Absolutely gorgeous lumber.
This is the 'old fashioned' way of making deck beams. It's a sliding gauge for making the arch. Works perfect but it takes a lot of room .
One in and it's perfectly level.
Three installed here.
Between the Captain's cabin and the pilot house there will be a walkway.
We're continuing with the plugging of the spike holes in the interior planking. Trying to keep busy and get the little things done too.
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